Will putting ice cubes in the thermos cup break it?

Will putting ice cubes in the thermos cup reduce the insulation performance?

Will not. Hot and cold are relative. As long as there is no damage to the thermos cup, it will not fall.

Will ice cubes melt in a thermos?

Ice cubes will also melt in a thermos, but at a slightly slower rate. The thermos cup is generally made of a stainless steel liner and a vacuum layer. This kind of cup is tightly sealed, so it has a certain insulation effect.

The cock of the thermos cup has good sealing performance, and it is difficult for external air to infiltrate, so that the heat lost will be relatively small, so this cup can maintain the original temperature of the object to a large extent.

The insulation in the thermos cup can not only keep the heat, but also keep the cold temperature. This kind of cup can keep the objects in the cup at the original temperature for a long time.

Ice is the state of water at low temperature. To preserve ice from turning into water, it is necessary to keep heat from being lost. If there is no refrigerator at home, you can use a sealed plastic bag or a sealed container to put ice cubes inside, and then pack them in thick foam plastic boxes, so as to prevent the ice cubes from melting. It’s just a way to delay, and it can’t completely keep the ice from melting.

In addition, if the ice cubes are relatively small, they can be placed in a thermos cup at this time, which can also delay the melting time of the ice cubes, but the best way is to put them in the refrigerator.

Excuse me, will it damage the thermos cup with ice cubes? thanks

Won’t! Just like I said upstairs! As long as you don’t take it out of the ice cubes and put it into boiling water immediately, you’ll be fine! Not the other way around! But this only refers to glass and hard plastic! Iron will be fine! Anyway, any cup with ice will do! It’s not that www.nfysw.com is broken!

Will putting ice cubes in the thermos cup reduce the insulation performance?

This will not, because the thermos cup relies on materials to keep warm, and ice cubes have nothing to do with him.

Can I put ice cubes in the thermos?

Can. Ice cubes can be placed in the thermos cup, and the thermos cup is to ensure the temperature, whether it is high temperature or low temperature.

Post time: Jan-30-2023