how to remove mold from rubber gasket from thermos cup

When it comes to keeping beverages hot or cold on the go, there’s nothing like a trusty thermos. These insulated cups feature a sturdy rubber gasket to keep the contents fresh and delicious. However, over time, mold can grow on rubber gaskets and produce an unpleasant smell, and can even pose a health risk to those who are sensitive to mold. In this article, we’ll guide you through how to safely remove mold from your thermos mug’s rubber gasket.

Step 1: Disassemble the thermos

Before cleaning your thermos, you’ll need to disassemble it first so you don’t damage its parts. Remove the lid or lid, then unscrew the top and bottom of the thermos. Be careful not to lose any washers or washers that may have come loose inside.

Step 2: Clean the thermos cup parts

Scrub the inside, outside and lid of the thermos with warm soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to clean all nooks and crannies of the mug. Rinse the parts thoroughly with water before soaking them in warm water for another ten minutes.

Step 3: Clean the rubber gasket

The rubber gaskets on thermos mugs can be a breeding ground for mold, so it’s important to clean them thoroughly before reassembling the mug. To clean the gasket, pour a vinegar or baking soda solution over it and let it soak for at least an hour. Scrub off the mold with a soft brush or sponge, then rinse off with warm water. You should use vinegar harder to remove mold; otherwise, a baking soda solution will suffice.

Step 4: Dry the Cup Parts

After cleaning the mug parts, dry them thoroughly with a clean towel and let them air dry on a rack. Pay close attention to the rubber gasket, as any residual moisture could create the perfect environment for mold to grow.

Step 5: Reassemble the Thermos

Once the parts are dry, reassemble the thermos and make sure everything is in place before sealing it. Reinsert any washers and gaskets that may have come loose when the cup was removed. Tighten the top and bottom pieces securely, then re-screw the lid or cover.

in conclusion

If not cleaned, mold on the rubber gasket of your thermos can spoil the flavor of your drink and be a health hazard. Clean your thermos regularly to make sure it stays in good condition. By following these five steps, you can safely remove mold from your thermos bottle’s rubber gasket and bring it looking like new again. By doing this, you can continue to enjoy your favorite beverage hot or cold while keeping the cup hygienic.



Post time: May-22-2023